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Join or Renew Your Membership

Join or Renew Your Membership

Thank You!

Existing members can renew their membership online or by mail. Click here if you have forgotton your account information and need to reset your password. Use the below buttons to process your membership contribution online or, alternatively, for a blank membership form that can be mailed with a check payment.

Note: if you are interested in becoming a new member of NCFAR, please contact Laura Wood Peterson for assistance. Thank you for your consideration!

Join Online      Join by Mail      Renew Online

Your generous support will help us build on NCFAR's 20-year legacy by:

  • Maintaining a modern, easy to navigate website that will serve as a unified information source about agriculture research
  • Increasing coordinated coalition engagement on Capitol Hill on behalf of agriculture research during the budget and appropriations processes
  • Hosting educational events to build agriculture research allies in the lead up to the next farm bill
  • Broadening NCFAR's membership with diverse voices across the food and agriculture industries

The acceptance, classification, and sub-classification of membership are subject to approval of the Board of Directors. The membership year is January 1 through December 31. Per NCFAR's bylaws, the deadline for timely payment of dues for renewing members is March 31.

Please contact NCFAR Executive Director Laura Wood Peterson with any questions about membership.

Thank you. We can't advocate for a strong future for food and agricultural research without members like you.